I share my story in hopes that others may break free from theirs.

Hi! My name is Chemaine.
A mother of two, who cooks a mean stew, a fisherman’s wife, grown to embrace the #fitlife, a strong and positive soul, learning to own this story on the whole. The good, the bad and the ugly chapters will unfold. My goal is to be brave and bold, hopefully to inspire others that feel left in the cold.
Let me tell you something, you are not alone.
Social Media has allowed me to expose myself in different ways but I felt like creating a place of my own. A place where my thoughts wouldn’t get lost in world of memes. A brave place, where I will be blogging and anxiety permitting, even vlogging about different topics that are part of my daily life. I welcome you to join me on this journey. The journey of owning our story, no matter how bright or dark the chapter.
This is the story of a Petit Mom Life.